Pilgrim Congregational Church
Harwich Port, MA
We are an open and affirming church
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Music Programs

Adult Music Programs
Chancel Choir - Under the direction of our Music Director. Dr. Matt Scinto, rehearsal is held every Tuesday at 5:00 PM, September through June, singing in worship weekly. New voices are always welcome. Email mdscinto@gmail.com for more information.
Chancel Choir works on a variety of repertoire, from contemporary worship music to classical choral standards, at a variety of levels throughout the year. Twice a year we perform a special music Sunday with instrumentalists; recent music included Schubert's Mass in G and Vivaldi's Gloria. We sing on all major church holidays, Christmas Eve, Easter Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and more.
Handbell Choir - Under the direction of our music director, Dr. Matthew Scinto, rehearsal meets every Thursday at 6:00 PM. Handbell Choir performs once a month in worship and participates the annual Cape Cod Spring Ring each year.
We welcome ringers of all ages; with or without experience. For more information, please email mdscinto@gmail.com.